To start off, I hope this post helps others in need of help who suffered through the same turmoil as myself. A couple days ago my computer at work became infected with Spyware/Malware, you know the kind, constant pop-ups for retarded products you'll never buy. I must have ran every Spyware program diagnostic possible in order to remedy the problem; however, to my dismay I was unsuccessful in every attempt until I did a general search online and came across this gentleman's blog.

It explains is great detail how not only to dispose of pestering pop-ups but do it without all the expensive big name software. I was on the virge of formatting the entire drive but I was able to avoid that all together and salvage my wreck, if you are having serious Spyware/Malware issues, I advise you to take a gander at his blog for a viable solution. For the more advanced PC User, alot of his post is already general knowledge however he does go a bit farther in depth concerning the issue.